
Change is inevitable, never-ending, and unpredictable.  If we sit quietly in our comfort zone watching change all around us, are we really comfortable or is it really a state of stagnancy?  I say this because if we do not step outside our comfort zone and participate, it will not stop change from happening…rather we will have stopped living in the true sense of the word.  And that is where I have been living…in my comfort zone.  In denial…but in my denial I am letting life pass me by.  I am wasting the precious time the Lord has given me to be productive.  Yes, those that came before me are gone…even some who came after me.  That’s life…that’s change.  I have to participate, I have to create, I have to engage…or I will just pass away in the winds of change and leave no legacy left behind.

Sunday Sunday

Feeling a bit lost today. My Bestie has moved away…so sad. I know we will chat often and see each other again, but it isn’t quite the same as having someone nearby.

Such is life
Should be used to it by now
Life and people are so transient
But I’m not
Used to it
Don’t like it
Never did
Never will

I am me
Not transient
Always with myself, as is God
Me and God
We be mates
Famous line
Time alone
All I can count on